(Pay for as used) If you need something be sure to order it.
3 4X8 Foam core
Show card
Assorted pieces duventyne
Roll Black Visquine
2 Cans Streaks And Tips
Dulling spray
Window cleaner
409 cleaner
Lemon Pledge
Super 77 adhesive
Assorted Paints
fire extinguisher
Trash bags
Mono filament
Bailing wire
Clothes pins
Gaffers Tape
Double stick tape
Black wrap foil
Sash cord
Trick line
4 50' Hanks of rope
Assorted light bulbs
4 each 211,212,213
Zip cord
Cube taps
Plug ends M/F
Assorted Rolls Gells and diffusion

(Pay for if cut or Destroyed)
3 1X2X8 s
3 2X4X12 s
4 1X3X8s
2 4'X8' 3/4 in plywood
Banana Grip Equipment
(Pay for if cut or Destroyed amount carried varies but should include)
4 5' 1 1/4 pieces
8 10' 1 1/4 pieces
2 12' 1 1/4 pieces